Covid-19 Updates

Covid-19 Updates

We’re delivering the vast majority of our normal services now. In some cases, we’re doing things a little differently to ensure that our residents and staff remain safe and that we’re following government guidance. We’ll continue to update this page with new information as quickly as we can.

  • Moving home and sign-ups

    You are free to relocate under new regulations. This implies that physical viewings can be arranged upon request, but the health and safety of our employees, tenants, and potential customers remains our primary priority. Our employees will follow all federal regulations, and we urge that our customers do the same:

    1. Wherever possible, initial viewings should be done virtually. On several of our homes, we have virtual tours accessible!

    2. In order to assist with this, our staff may request that home occupants’ complete virtual viewings. This will limit the number of properties that people must view before deciding on a future residence.

    3. The viewing appointment should be cancelled if you or any member of your household is having symptoms or has been self-isolating.

    4. Social distancing guidelines should be always observed. This includes keeping 2m distance from others where possible.

    5. There should be no more than two households inside the home at any given time during any physical viewings where prospective buyers or tenants would be present. Any agent accompanying either party is included in this. Anyone who is in a support bubble with either household, on the other hand, will be considered a member of that household.

    6. The property should only be viewed by potential tenants. Please do not bring anyone else with you, even if they are currently living in the same residence.

    7. During the viewing, avoid touching any surfaces, including door handles. Before and after the viewing, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.

    8. If your property is being viewed, you should open all the internal doors prior to the viewing and allow access to handwashing facilities and ideally separate towels/paper towels.

    9. Current Tenants will be asked to vacate the property whilst the viewing takes place to minimise health risks.

    10. Our staff will try to accommodate all viewing requests; however you may have to wait slightly longer than usual for the viewing to take place as our team are continuing to observe travel and social distancing measures.

    11. Once the viewing has taken place, the homeowner should ensure surfaces, such as door handles, are cleaned with standard household cleaning products and towels disposed of safely or washed as appropriate.

    12. When moving between properties, you and those in your household should try to do as much of the packing yourself as you can. Where this is not possible, you 

  • Keeping in touch

    Your property manager remains your main point of contact for any queries. Outside normal office hours, your call will be automatically redirected to the correct out-of-hours service.

    Our Property Managers are getting out more into our communities to provide more face-to-face support where that’s needed. They’ll observe social distancing and follow government guidelines at all times.

    If you or anyone in your household has any symptoms of Covid-19, please self-isolate in line with Public Health England’s guidelines. Where possible, please let your Property Manager we can make a note on our system. This will help us to notify cleaning teams and any repairs contractors who may need to access your home so they can carry out appropriate risk assessments.

  • Repairs

    Our repairs service is running as usual and we’re making good progress on the backlog that built up while we were able to respond to emergencies only.

    When we carry out your repair, we’ll need to work in line with government guidance on social distancing, which means some jobs might take longer to complete than normal and our response times might be slightly slower. Please bear with us. 

    There is no statutory requirement for contractors to wear face coverings when carrying out work in your home as long as social distancing measures are observed, but whenever our contractors come to your home they will make arrangements with you to ensure the safety of you, your family and themselves. As part of this, they will now ask you whether you would prefer them to wear a face-covering while they are in your home.

  • Paying your rent

    We know this is a difficult time and we understand that you may suddenly have less income than you expected. Some of you have asked for a rent payment holiday, but like a mortgage payment holiday, a payment holiday is just a way of postponing payments. It doesn’t mean the money is not owed.

    For that reason, we’re not giving rent payment holidays as we don’t want you to store up problems with arrears for the future and put your tenancy at risk. Please continue to pay your rent where possible. 

    If you’re facing financial difficulties due to loss of earning or becoming unemployed, we can guide you to claim the right benefit that will help you pay rent and sustain your tenancy through this period. 

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